All God’s Children (ages 5-12)

Bible stories, games, music, arts and crafts and snacks.

Sunday School twice a month.

Class will be held in the Education Building on the second floor on the second Sunday of the month from 10-11 AM.

Class will be held via Zoom on the third Saturday of the month from 10-10:30 AM.






Teens 13 and Older-2nd and 3rd Sundays-10:30 am

Christ-centered! Spirit-filled! Relevant! Transformational! Faith-building! Fun!

Confirmation Preparation Studies

Graduate Recognition Sunday

Serve as Acolyte, Cross Bearer, Worship Leader, Usher

FYIA = Faithful Youth in Action (United Methodist Youth Fellowship)

Mission and Community Service Projects (ex: Hungry Neighbors, Community Clean-Up Days, 5K Cancer Walk, Relay for Life, MS Walk)

Fellowship Outings (ex: Six Flags, Laurel Skating Rink, Smithsonian)





Robotics – Middle School Students
Ages 11-15

The CUMC Robotics Club is continuing its support for students who want to improve their understanding of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, also known as STEM subjects. Although our students and mentors continue to observe safe social distancing practices, we are able to meet online during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our students use robot kits and other electronics assemblies to complete STEM projects that are appropriate for their age, knowledge and skill. Through their projects, students develop important skills such as organizing and documenting their work, and making logical verbal presentations.

We will accept applications for additional students to participate in the Robotics Club. There is no cost to students and there are no requirements for their level of academic achievement. We accept beginning and advanced students who are willing to work in a way that puts our church-provided resources to good use.

To apply, please send an email to the church office.

Not Available at this time.


Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is held each summer for one week in June. VBS increases excitement and participation in the church and allows an environment for early spiritual growth. VBS provides a unique approach to learning the Bible.