Colesville UMC 

A COVID-Safe Environment


Air Purification

The entire Colesville UMC building is protected from COVID-19 by an advanced air purification system called Vollara Air & Surface Pro.  This portable surface and air purifier uses ActivePure® Technology to reduce over 99% of surface micro-organisms and dramatically reduce airborne contaminants and allergens in the air with in 3 minutes, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.  These results have been documented by US Military, the Centers for Disease Control and several university labs.


Hand Sanitizer Stations

Additional Hand Sanitizer stations have be purchased for the 3 most-used entrances in the building – Main Door, Link/Office Door and Anderson Hall Door.


Bathroom Hands-free Paper Towel Dispenser

Each bathroom now has a hands-free paper towel dispenser. Just wave your hand under them to dispense a towel to dry your hands.


Collection Box

In lieu of passing the plate, a Collection Box will be available for you to deposit your offering upon entering to avoid unnecessary “touching”.



While we hope everyone will plan to wear their own N95 or KN95 mask, a few will be available should you forget.



Signs regarding social distance, masks, etc. have been purchased to remind everyone of CVOID protocols.