Stephen Ministry is a program through which members of Colesville UMC are trained to provide Christian caregiving to members and friends of our congregation who are struggling with such issues as grief, loneliness, terminal illness, or a crisis in job, marriage, or family. Those receiving care from Stephen Ministers benefit because they receive prayer and support throughout the crisis they face. Stephen Ministers benefit through the spiritual growth they experience from being involved in meaningful ministry. Our pastor benefits because caring ministry at CUMC is expanded, allowing fewer people to slip through the cracks.



Stephen Ministry began in 1975 when Dr. Kenneth Haugk, a Lutheran pastor and psychologist, saw that there were many more needs for care in his congregation than he alone could meet. Dr. Haugk drew from his background in pastoral care and clinical psychology to train nine of his parishioners to provide biblically based, psychologically sound, one-on-one care. The ministry was so successful that it quickly drew the attention of other congregations. Today more than 8,000 congregations from 100 denominations are involved in Stephen Ministry.


Do you need some extra support and care? Are you going through a time of struggle, confusion or despair? You might be experiencing a time of loss, loneliness, or the scariness of a new or difficult situation. Maybe it would be helpful to have someone walk and talk with you during this time in your life. A Care Receiver is a person who benefits from the listening ears and encouraging heart of a Stephen Minister. If you would like to have a Stephen Minister meet with you, please contact the church office at 301-384-1941.  You may also speak to Rev. Michael W. Armstrong, Pastor.


You can refer yourself, a friend, neighbor, relative or anyone else you know who is going through a difficult time so that special care can be given when it is needed the most. Just remember if you are referring someone else, obtain their permission before you give their name.


A Stephen Minister is a caring Christian lay person who, on a one-to-one basis, listens, understands, accepts, and prays for and with a care receiver who is working through a crisis or tough time. A potential Stephen Minister will receive 50 hours of training, continue to meet twice a month for supervision and continuing education and make an initial commitment of two years. After training, the Stephen Minister will meet with an assigned care receiver an average of one hour per week. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, please contact the church office at 301-384-1941.  You may also speak to Rev. Michael W. Armstrong, Pastor.


The Stephen Ministry logo is intended to convey what Stephen Ministry is all about. The logo consists of a cross and circle together with a broken person and a whole person. The logo’s most dominant feature is the cross of Jesus. It reminds us that Christ is at the center of Stephen Ministry and all Stephen Ministry relationships.

The broken person behind the cross symbolizes the brokenness in our lives, a person in need of healing, a person in need of Christ’s love and care. The whole person, a person who has received the love and care of Jesus, stands in front of the cross because it is only through the cross of Jesus that we are made whole. The circle symbolizes both the wholeness we receive through Christ and God’s unending love for us. God’s love surrounds us, holds us, heals us, with the cross of Jesus at the center of that love. The logo is designed to show that the path from brokenness to greater wholeness is through Jesus Christ and the ministry of Christ’s people, including the ministry of Stephen Ministers. “Christ Caring for People through People.”